Many things are happening around us which are very dangerous for us and for our air; one of these and the most important one is global warming. Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-twentieth century and its projected continuation. So we have to find what the main problem is, and how to find a solution for it. Studies said that CO2 keeps the sun heating inside the planet which increases the earth temperature, and with that increasing the global warming comes. So we have find the fastest solution for it, and if we don’t do it we will see many other problems will come in future.
One of these problems is our lifestyle and what we do every day which is raising the temperature. I measured my carbon footprint in http://footprint.wwf.org.uk/ and it was 3.45. I think my carbon footprint is near to the average of the people in the UAE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warming. So as we can see that my average is a normal one comparing to others; I think the main reason for it is we are in a desert climate and we need air-conditioners to cool ourselves, and also we burned a lot of fossil fuel which increases the percentage of the carbon. Another problem is the ice melting and the sea level has increased, and this increasing will affect some islands around the world.
First, when we know that we make it, so we have to work together to finding solutions, and also we have to educate the people that our health and air are more important than money and business, so losing money is not very important compared to air with a high percentage of carbon. Also recycling is a good way to reduce the carbon and the effect of global warming because with it we will save a lot of energy needed to make new materials. Finally we have to stop it because that could have a major impact on agriculture, human health and the economies of the region, warned study author Noah Deffenbaugh in Guptha, Ajith.http://www.healtharticles-lk.com/blogs/39/Global-Warming-Could-Delay-the-Start-of-the-Summer-Monsoon-.html
1.Foot print
2."Global warming." Ed. Wikipedia.