Thursday 19 March 2009

These days many countries are fighting each other for getting oil; two of these countries are Canada and Denmark which are fighting for a very small island Hans Island in the Arctic, and the reasons are oil, fish, shipping routes and diamonds. However, that race is a part of the global warming; the ice cap is warming faster than anywhere else. The Arctic holds about 25% of the whole world’s oil and gas reserves which are not discovered. These reasons which have made the governments use advanced equipment to drill for the resources. Now, when the climate is changing, it’s easy to find oil and gas faster than before. Old studies said that the ice will melt in 100 years; but now, the latest studies say that the ice will melt in 10 to 15 years, so now we have to stop this race or we will have a huge ice melting which will affect climate changing. Now both countries are sending warships to that island and are waiting for ice melting to get the oil first, but there is no risk of war and both countries will solve the problem peacefully.

Main Idea
Many countries are fighting to make the profit at the expense of the global warming. They have to stop the global warming to stop fighting between the countries.

In my opinion, governments should stop the global warming to stop the race in the Arctic. Also the writer wrote about the two countries in order to warn of global warming and that is the best choice: to warn people about the dangers of global warming.

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